Health Tools

Food & Health

To grow a more inclusive, more sustainable and healthier future through food, we must equip ourselves with the tools to do so. Here are some simple ways to create meaningful, healthy changes through food choices.


Make veggies cool

If we’re going to make vegetables appeal to a new generation of Australians, we’ll have to take a fresh approach. One that puts kids in charge and helps them make better choices for themselves… and hopefully, help themselves to a serve of sprouts. Teach your children about how exciting vegetables really are with the fun, interactive and free digital resource, Phenomenom! and have them reaching for broccoli without one nose-turn.  


Learn to love home-cooking

The growing list of health problems caused by poor diet and lack of food knowledge and skills affects all Australians. For those of us that have the privilege of our own kitchen - we have the ability to plate up the good, for our kids and ourselves, to slow, and eventually stop the obesity epidemic taking over Australia. How? By simply embracing the joy and benefits of cooking. Cooking is an important life skill which everyone should learn. With the right sort of information and teaching, anyone can learn to cook. Cooking empowers people to take control of their lives and health.

The Good Foundation was established to do exactly that - to make cooking easy (and fun) to learn. Get involved with any of their many programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition, such as Jamie's Ministry of Food, as a volunteer or a student.

Do your children take part in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program? The kitchen garden program is a great initiative that teaches and inspires children to grow, cook and enjoy real food at school. Get in touch with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to volunteer at a local garden or to start a kitchen garden program in your school.


Eat food, not products

The more homemade, whole foods on your plate, the better your health, and your hip pocket. The Sandro Demaio Foundation is on a mission to make this the new normal, so check out the recipes on the website, and keep in touch to continue the conversation.